Archives: Episode

Reinvention Restart: How to Push ‘Play’ on Your Dreams

Reflect. Reimagine. Restart.  That’s my secret sauce for becoming a Reinvention Rebel. Reinvention Rebels are unapologetic women, 50 to 90 years young, who have boldly reimagined their lives to find new purpose and possibilities. Fierce women. Fabulous women. Inspiring women. Women charting a new course, no matter their age in cool, kickass ways.  The kind…

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Meet Wendi Knox — From Muck to Magic: Soaring at 66!

What happens when two women named Wendy/Wendi get together? Pure reinvention magic! Don’t you love when you meet someone new and you have an immediate connection?  Like you’ve known each other for years? That’s what happened when Wendi Knox joined the Reinvention Rebels guest chair. We clicked. And I happily soaked up her 66-year young…

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Spirituality & Service: How I Found My New Path at 68!

Meet 68-year young Reinvention Rebel Katurah Bryant. Vibrant and joyful. Spiritual and of service. Empowered and evolved. Living life on purpose and adding value for others. Katurah’s magnetic energy, sense of purpose, spiritual grounding and desire to live her best life are on display in our episode. She is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. In this episode, Katurah shares…

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Ditch the “Shoulds” – How to Embrace Your Deepest Desires in 2021!

“Shoulds” are soul-crushing.  Unmotivating.  Less than fun. I don’t want to start off the year with what I SHOULD do. Nope, not one bit.  I want to kick off 2021 with what I WANT to do. You know, juicy stuff. Fun stuff.  Help add value and make the world a better place stuff. Let’s kick…

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Rewire & Reinvent: How I Created a “Thrive” Mindset at 68

One of the coolest things about life is that we can reinvent ourselves as many times as we like! And such is the case for my guest Denise Keyes Page. Denise operates from a simple core belief: women benefit society as a whole. Healthy women foster healthy children and families, that in turn, support healthy…

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Episode 6: From Nun to Nightclub Singer: Meet 82-Year Young Millie!

Who am I? What am I here for? These are the compelling questions my guest, Millie Grenough, has considered over her 80 plus years. They have helped her to: chart the course of her life and go from a nun to a nightclub singer! transform her life after a near-death bike accident, in service to…

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Episode 5: Self-Reflection & Silence: How I Uncovered My Purpose at 54

This episode is about my life-long journey to find clarity and a deeper purpose.  Some people quickly find their purpose.  Their calling.  What makes them shine. Not me.   It took what felt like forever.  Things had to evolve.  Sure, I was good at certain things.  But I never felt like I had found that…

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Episode 4: Finding My Path in My 50s: Travel, Self-Discovery and Empowerment

What if your 50s brought clarity about your true purpose? What if you stopped asking for permission and started embracing your new path? And what if that new path led to empowering yourself and other women through travel?   Meet 57-year young Erica Bradley. This joyful, kind, and inspiring Reinvention Rebel thrives on unapologetically lifting…

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Episode 3: How I Reimagined Life in My 60s: Yoga, New Adventures and My Expat Life in Spain!

What if turning 60 ignited your inner yogi and an empowering relationship with your body? What if you reimagined live with less things, and gained a new sense of freedom? And what if you boldly rethought retirement, moved abroad, and welcomed new adventures? Such is the life of my guest, Sharon Chapelle. At 67 years…

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Episode 2: 12-Step Programs & Self-Awareness: How I Lead My Life on Purpose!

“Living your life on purpose” – that’s the guiding principle of my guest, Barb Nangle. At 57 years young, she’s reimagined her life to create more joy, happiness and love. Barb embodies the characteristics of a Reinvention Rebel – she’s brave, follows her passions, has clarity about her purpose and unapologetically focuses on achieving her…

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