
Celebrating 100 Episodes of Reinvention Rebels: Midlife Women Living Boldly, On Purpose and Achieving Their Dreams!

Loving the show? Text us and let us know! 😊 🎉 Episode 100 Celebration: Cheers to Reinvention! 🎉 Welcome to the 101st episode of the Reinvention Rebels podcast, celebrating 100! Thank you for joining us on this incredible journey of uplifting midlife and older women. Today, we celebrate not just a milestone, but the amazing…

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Reinventing My 50s: Good Girl Gone – How I Ditched Perfectionism and People Pleasing to Find My Authentic Self with Wendy Hutchinson

Reinventing Ourselves is Always Possible No Matter Our Age! What’s possible when we find the courage to start reinventing and be our authentic selves? When we shed who people think we should be and step into who we truly want and are meant to be? The truth is, anything is possible when we learn to…

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Bold, Fierce & Unapologetic Midlife Reinvention Stories: Reinvention Rebels Season 2 Highlights

What happens when you find a tribe of A-MA-ZING women, 50 to 90 years young, and ask them to share their bold and inspiring reinvention stories? Pure pro-age, reinvention magic, that’s what! Season 2 of the Reinvention Rebels podcast is a wrap. I am eternally grateful for each of these beautiful souls who graced me…

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Recipe for Midlife Reinvention: Launching a National Beauty Brand at 56 with Angel Cornelius

What would be possible if a tiny idea cooked up in your kitchen at 56 led to a bold midlife reinvention playing out in your 60s? And what if that reinvention helped other midlife women to normalize and embrace aging, learning to love the skin they’re in? Such is the reinvention journey of 61-year young…

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How I Found My Yes: 57, Fierce & Fabulous!

Babz Rawls Ivy is a Reinvention Rebel badass.  Fierce. Fabulous. On fire. If you live in New Haven, CT you already know how fabulous she is. If you don’t, you’re in for a treat. You can’t help but get drawn in by Babz’s magnetic energy, engaging personality, and passion for life.  Babz is a radio…

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Reinvention Restart: How to Push ‘Play’ on Your Dreams

Reflect. Reimagine. Restart.  That’s my secret sauce for becoming a Reinvention Rebel. Reinvention Rebels are unapologetic women, 50 to 90 years young, who have boldly reimagined their lives to find new purpose and possibilities. Fierce women. Fabulous women. Inspiring women. Women charting a new course, no matter their age in cool, kickass ways.  The kind…

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Ditch the “Shoulds” – How to Embrace Your Deepest Desires in 2021!

“Shoulds” are soul-crushing.  Unmotivating.  Less than fun. I don’t want to start off the year with what I SHOULD do. Nope, not one bit.  I want to kick off 2021 with what I WANT to do. You know, juicy stuff. Fun stuff.  Help add value and make the world a better place stuff. Let’s kick…

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Reinvention Rebels are badass

Older women are badass. Fierce. Determined. Wise. Brave. And. So. Much. More.

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Show the World you are a Reinvention Rebel with some swag!