Reinvention Rebels are badass

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Older women are badass. Fierce. Determined. Wise. Brave. And. So. Much. More.

Badassery + reflection + reimagination = Reinvention Rebels, inspiring women, 50-90 years young, who are unapologetically pursuing their biggest, juiciest dreams, no matter their age.

At 55, I’ve found my inner Reinvention Rebel and I have to say, I really like her! She’s got chutzpah, is empowered, following her passions and figuring things out.

I created the Reinvention Rebels podcast to celebrate these women, share their stories and empower other women to tap into their inner Reinvention Rebel.

I’m DONE with the limiting narrative about older women in our society. The narrative that’s focused on all things we’re losing as we age. Nope, I’m not buying it.

I see it differently – I see this as an amazing time where wise women – we can find our true voice and step into a new and exciting sense of freedom – in a totally vibrant and badass way.

I know so many Reinvention Rebels. They’re going for it, not holding back, claiming joy, unabashedly glowing and embracing being older with reckless abandon.

I’ll be introducing you to these amazing women with new episodes every other Friday, starting with the launch this Friday, October 9!Join me, let’s become Reinvention Rebels together.

She exists in all of us. 💪🏽

I created the Reinvention Rebels podcast to celebrate these women, share their stories and empower other women to tap into their inner Reinvention Rebel.

Sign up for my newsletter to get new podcast episodes, additional resources, and tips sent straight to your inbox every other Thursday!
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Wendy Battles

Wendy Battles

Hi, I’m Wendy Battles. I’m a curious soul who loves to talk to people and understand their experiences. I believe that reinvention is a natural part of life, something that many of us have done numerous times.

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