do it scared

Reinventing My 60s: Do It Scared! – How I Launched a Live Podcast and Empower Older Adults to See New Possibilities

Reinventing Yourself at 69! What if it was possible to reinvent yourself in your 60s, 70s or beyond? And what if that reinvention helped you feel confident and empowered? Wouldn’t you want to go for it and navigate your later years with joy, excitement and satisfaction? Don’t you love the idea of finding a tribe…

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Camp Reinvention: Helping Women 50+ Change Their Careers by the End of the Year with Dana Hilmer

What would be possible if you boldly reinvented yourself until you found the just-right fit, and then helped other women reinvent themselves in equally bold and inspiring ways? What if your work as a reinvention coach not only helped women 50+ see new possibilities but also helped turn ageism in the workplace on its head?…

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