
Reinventing Midlife with Courage and Resilience: Kathy Murray’s Journey from Expat to Triathlon Triumph

Reinventing Midlife is a Joy-filled Experience Ever thought about reinventing midlife? You know, digging deep, finding fresh inspiration and making changes to live a fulfilled life in your 50s and beyond? This episode will motivate you and help you see what’s possible when it comes to reinventing midlife. When I first met Kathy Murray, I…

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Embracing Fear and Reinventing Midlife: 3 Ways Life Lessons Helped Me Overcome Failure

Embracing Fear and Reinventing Midlife We all know the phrase “I had to learn it the hard way.” But what can we learn about ourselves from difficult circumstances and life lessons? Reflecting on personal failures can reveal growth and serve as a stepping stone to greater success. I’ve experienced that first hand and I imagine…

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Embracing Failure: Turning Setbacks into Stepping Stones for Success on Your Reinvention Journey

Embracing Failure Helps You Grow This week I’m talking about the power of failure to help us thrive in new ways. I’ve personally seen how my own perceived failures have led to my best successes. Not always in the way I anticipated or wanted, but it’s always worked out in the end. In this episode,…

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