
Honoring the Legacy of Elaine Banks Battles – A Life of Curiosity, Community and Connection

Elaine Banks Battles, beloved mother, grandmother, cousin, friend and community leader, passed away on September 2, 2023, in New Haven, CT. She was born on September 24, 1932, in Georgia, with a deeply rooted Southern lineage reflected in her maiden name Banks, which 3 brothers took on when they sat by a river after gaining…

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Midlife Reinvention at 60: Challenging Ageist Stereotypes, Creating Community, and Cultivating Joy with Mimi Ison

Midlife Reinvention Starts with Us! Join me in the first episode of Season 6 – Own Your Awesome – as we explore the transformative power of midlife reinvention and the journey to embrace age positivity with my guest Mimi Ison. At 60. Mimi, is a beacon of the pro-age movement and shares her personal narrative…

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